How does it work?
User Authentication

Web3 Authentication (via EVM wallets like Metamask or TON)
Web2 Authentication using Gmail or social media accounts, all streamlined through Particle Network.

Contract Creation, Encryption and Signature
Once authenticated, our backend software generate a PDF document based on users' quiz responses.
Upon contract creation, a unique hash of the PDF document is encrypted using our web app's wallet mechanism and Lit Protocol, ensuring unparalleled security. Both parties sign this hash with their chosen wallets, with every detail, including the signatures, encrypted once more through Lit Protocol. These signatures, paired with associated data, are then embedded within the PDF as annotations. For an additional layer of protection, we further encrypt the entire PDF with our proprietary password.
Data Storage and Contract Verification
The finalized and encrypted contract data, in JSON format, is then securely uploaded to IPFS via Arweave, offering decentralized and robust storage. To further instill confidence and transparency, users can cross-reference their PDFs with the original on Arweave through our platform, accessing critical information such as signer addresses and various dates, which confirms the contract's authenticity and integrity.

How does it work?
User Authentication

Web3 Authentication (via EVM wallets like Metamask or TON)
Web2 Authentication using Gmail or social media accounts, all streamlined through Particle Network.

Contract Creation, Encryption and Signature
Once authenticated, our backend software generate a PDF document based on users' quiz responses.
Upon contract creation, a unique hash of the PDF document is encrypted using our web app's wallet mechanism and Lit Protocol, ensuring unparalleled security. Both parties sign this hash with their chosen wallets, with every detail, including the signatures, encrypted once more through Lit Protocol. These signatures, paired with associated data, are then embedded within the PDF as annotations. For an additional layer of protection, we further encrypt the entire PDF with our proprietary password.
Data Storage and Contract Verification
The finalized and encrypted contract data, in JSON format, is then securely uploaded to IPFS via Arweave, offering decentralized and robust storage. To further instill confidence and transparency, users can cross-reference their PDFs with the original on Arweave through our platform, accessing critical information such as signer addresses and various dates, which confirms the contract's authenticity and integrity.

How does it work?
User Authentication

Web3 Authentication (via EVM wallets like Metamask or TON)
Web2 Authentication using Gmail or social media accounts, all streamlined through Particle Network.

Contract Creation, Encryption and Signature
Once authenticated, our backend software generate a PDF document based on users' quiz responses.
Upon contract creation, a unique hash of the PDF document is encrypted using our web app's wallet mechanism and Lit Protocol, ensuring unparalleled security. Both parties sign this hash with their chosen wallets, with every detail, including the signatures, encrypted once more through Lit Protocol. These signatures, paired with associated data, are then embedded within the PDF as annotations. For an additional layer of protection, we further encrypt the entire PDF with our proprietary password.
Data Storage and Contract Verification
The finalized and encrypted contract data, in JSON format, is then securely uploaded to IPFS via Arweave, offering decentralized and robust storage. To further instill confidence and transparency, users can cross-reference their PDFs with the original on Arweave through our platform, accessing critical information such as signer addresses and various dates, which confirms the contract's authenticity and integrity.